April is Poetry Month
8th Graders! Do you know these words?? http://edudemic.com/2012/12/100-words-high-school-students-should-know/ This month we are hard at work in lab creating poetry. Below are links to 4 poem generators. http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/word_mover/words.01.html http://www.piclits.com (Examples of PicLits below!) http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/theme_poems/ http://ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us/forms/newpoem.htm April is Poetry Month by nmzumpano Prior to this we worked on acrostic and free verse poems. Younger students (1st-2nd grade) worked in Microsoft Word to construct their acrostic poetry. Older students used Microsoft Power Point. Why Power Point? The program allowed students to focus on different design elements and practice animations. There was more freedom for placement of clip art as well. They did an exc...