DML 2013
During the week of March 11, 2013 I had a chance to attend the DML2013 conference at the Sheraton in Chicago, Illinois. This was my first time at this conference, thanks to my f ellowship with T.E.A.M . at Columbia. It was different from any other conference I’ve attended. Named “Digital Media and Learning” I had expectations of teachers speaking of digital projects. No so. The theme of this year’s DML was “ Democratic Futures : Mobilizing Voices, and Remixing Youth Participation ”. It focused more on social justice and youth civics. It wasn’t necessarily a practitioner’s conference (at least in the sense I was used to). It was refreshing to spend time in a forum like this. My greatest “take-away” was that there are numerous organizations out there advocating for our youth. As an educator this was inspiring as well as comforting. Some of the organizations I learned about are listed below. ...