Social Media Week: Week of September 24, 2012
Happy Social Media Week!! This week is Social Media week around the world. The 5th-8th grade students will learn some social media basics using the following presentation: Social Media Week 2012 on Prezi NETS Standards Covered: 3d: Process data and report results 5a: Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology 6b: Select and use applications effectively and productively Students: Please give me your insight! What social media tools that you saw in the presentation do you use? Do you use them to help with school work, for personal connections or both? Are there any social media tools that you didn't know about that you would like to learn more about? Do you think social media tools should be used in schools? Please reply using your first name, last initial, and room #. 1st-3rd: Our first and second grade students are doing an excellent job of navigating around Microsoft Word!...