Week of January 7, 2013

image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjCffFIQ2Wpwvaeuw2F5TIsVyfchVBwJ018aXtUpuDY24q6iCCM37WPNNvI9dTSnuSaowaKiu5bT-1fYuSvPizgjYk5DTBLf9_MsRr7RTMnjK5CaB_FNqCwPfTgZlzTiztYJUPpq1aAw_0V/s1600/happy-new-year-13.jpg

Happy New Year!

Welcome back from a great 3 week winter intersession!  

K-1st Grade:

This week the kindergarten and first grade students were introduced to a new website for little ones.  GameGoo is a site that makes the foundations of learning to read fun for students.  There are three levels of games: beginner, intermediate and advanced.  Games are available to introduce the alphabet, understanding and following directions, identifying synonyms and antonyms and spelling concepts.  The students seemed to enjoy GameGoo but no matter what new sites I introduce them to they always gravitate back to their favorites, ABCYA.com and Starfall.com!

I learned about GameGoo through one of my PLN's on Edmodo.  If you are unfamiliar with Edmodo please take a look!  It is a student safe social network and has a lot of potential for use in class with students.  I haven't used it in the lab this year with students (yet) but I follow many "communities" and get tons of information from them.  Many districts (CPS included) have their own subdomain.  Check to see if your district does.  Sign up for students and teachers is free!


The 2nd graders have done a great job so far learning about using Microsoft Word.  They can now launch the program, type, change fonts and colors, cut and paste, and insert images.  With the start of the new year they are completing some Word activities reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new year.  Here are some samples:

Students in 3rd grade through sixth grade will work on something similar only they will complete their work in Microsoft PowerPoint.  Most of the students are unfamiliar with the program so this is a good way to introduce it to them.  The PDF template they will be using is to the left.  It is from last year so the dates are incorrect but the students don't mind.

This template isn't something I created.  I found this through another fantastic PLN site:  Elementary Tech Teachers.  I wasn't expecting to be in this role this year and didn't receive much notice to prepare for the role so this ning has been a great resource for me.  While it's geared toward computer lab teachers don't let that stop you from looking around!

Along with the new year activity students in these grades still begin their technology lab time working on KidBiz3000.com (a school mandate). 

7th & 8th Grade:

As with the younger grades the middle school students work on TeenBiz3000.com in the lab each visit.      Lab time is more flexible at this grade level but we also use the lab to help with our Columbia College TEAM grant.  Each of the classrooms is working on a different project with a different artist from Columbia.  I have a fellowship related to this project. You can read more about it here

NETS Standards Covered:
1b: Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
6a: Understand and use technology systems
6b: Select and use applications effectively and productively
6d: Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies


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